1. I'm obsessed with babies and everything that has to do with them. I've been saying "I can't wait until I have a baby" since I was about two. I've worked at a daycare, I now work as a nanny, and I babysit all the time but it does nothing to satisfy my baby craving, I just really can't wait to be a mommy one day! (sidenote: my sister and I share this obsession, she has had five in the last 6 years!)
2. When I was three I wanted to be the person at the car wash that writes the numbers on your winshield with dry erase marker. I think my mom talked me out of it and I decided I wanted to be a doctor, which I stuck by my whole life until I started college and changed my major to nursing. No one in my family is too happy with this decision.
3. I have obsessive compulsive disorder. By this I do not mean that everything in my life must be clean and organized, which everyone likes to say means they have OCD. My compulsions are much more pointless and it makes no sense why I feel I have to do them. I can remember starting them in preschool, but they don't bother me too much (and I often don't even notice when I do them) so I haven't sought help or anything like that. They mainly have to do with patterns of numbers in my head that I must apply to a lot of things I do. I do like things clean and organized, but I don't think that constitutes a disorder in anyone :)
4. I hate all bugs. I am equally as terrified of butterflies and ladybugs as I am spiders and roaches. I even just hated to type those words.
5. I don't have a favorite season because I love them all equally. Each holds so many things to look forward to, and if we didn't have all of them, the coming of each new one wouldn't seem so wonderful.
6. I've always loved school and never stayed home sick. When I was younger I would be really sad if I was sick and my mom made me stay home. In college, however, I have a really hard time making myself go to class since it's basically optional, so I do much better in online classes.
7. I do not ice cream or birthday cake.
8. My first car was my dream car, a Volkswagon Beetle. The day after we bought it I couldn't stop looking out the window at it and couldn't believe it was really mine. It turned out to be a terrible car, but it sure was cute.
9. I don't think I could live without my iPhone. Not because I'm always talking to people on the phone, but it does so many things I would never want to do without.
10. I can't wait to graduate, not because I don't like school, but because I can't wait until I get to spend everyday helping people and saving lives and doing God's work.
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