So yesterday was my birthday! I'm now 22 if you didn't catch that from the rambling above. It wasn't too exciting, I went to work, went to dinner with Matt, and then we came home and watched a movie. I was happy it wasn't some big ordeal like my 21st birthday though, I wanted it to be pretty low-key (though I would have liked to have been off work at least :|).
But anyways, I decided to make a list of goals I want to try to achieve this year before I turn 23 and put them here to perhaps make me a little more accountable. Sort of like new year's resolutions maybe, but not exactly as they are a bit more specific. So...
1. Get into nursing school. Now this has been my goal the last 1.5 years and things continue to stand in my way. This year I'm applying to 2 or 3 programs for the fall, and 4 for the spring if I need to. I have a really good feeling about one of them, and as long as I can do well on that entrance exam (which got postponed to a week and half from now thanks to the snow/ice). I'm praying that this may be where God has been leading me all along and that I will be starting my first semester of nursing school in August! (But trying not to get my hopes up because it's been a really long, hopeless road so far.)
2. Lose the last 15-20 pounds to reach my goal weight and then keep it all off! Last October I started working hard to lose weight, with the help of a weight loss clinic and by working out, and so far I've lost just under 35 pounds. I'm super happy with my results but I haven't worked so hard the last 5 weeks and have only gone from -30 to about -35 since Christmas. I'm doing it on my own now (weight loss clinics are expensive), so that makes it harder, but I know I can commit and finish because I've already done the hard part, only a little bit left! When I was trying hard I lost about three pounds a week so I hope to have lost at least 15 more pounds by the end of march (close to 6 weeks from now). I'll update as I move towards my goal (hopefully)!
(This is not my gym, we don't have palm trees in Texas. I do find it hilarious that they have escalators for such a small amount of stairs and that those two men on their way into the gym are really that lazy. Perhaps that is why this picture was in google images. If I were them I would certainly be taking the stairs, mostly because I'm terrified of escalators.)
3. Lastly, I want to make it a priority to go to church every Sunday and, even more importantly, work towards being baptized and confirmed as a Catholic next Easter (I'll be 23 by then so working towards it/getting started taking the classes is my goal!) I'll definitely expand more on this in another post!
(This is the church I would like to go to/become a member of once I'm baptized. I will probably end up being baptized at M's parents church though, as I will most likely ask his mom to be my sponsor. This is also where I want to get married! It's looking awfully scary in this picture, but I chose this one mainly because I envy the talented photographer who took it.)
So a year from yesterday I hope to be in my second semester of nursing school (or at least my first), weigh 15-20 pounds less than I do now, and be two months away from being baptized! Just imagining that makes me so happy and I pray God helps me to achieve all of this in the next year :)
ps. If you were anxiously awaiting finding out what I got for my birthday, I haven't gotten anything off the list yet! The one I want the most is kind of pricey, so if M is nice and buys it for me, it will be sometime this month. I'm waiting for the other to go on sale so I can use a gift card I have!
pps. I just realized I forgot fashion friday! I'll do fashion Sunday tomorrow.
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