Thursday, May 19, 2011

I really haven't meant to take such a long break from blogging, but since school is over I never take my laptop with me to work! (I actually did write a post  on Monday recaping the last week/weekend, but since I had a terrible week, that post turned out to be mostly complaining so I will spare you and leave it as a draft!)
So here's what we've been up to lately...

The weekend before last I went and got my CPR for healthcare providers training! I was already CPR certified from having worked at a daycare, but this class was way more in depth and we learned how to use the "bag" (big balloon looking handheld thing) to ventilate someone as well as how to operate a defibrillator. It was pretty interesting and a little more scary this time around knowing I will definitely be using these skills one day working in the hospital, so I needed to be good at it.
It was interesting to learn that the CPR training class that the general public takes no longer teaches ventilation at all, only chest compressions. Apparently most people wouldn't be willing to perform mouth-to-mouth on a stranger and risk contracting any communicable diseases, so they cut that from CPR guidelines all together. According to the paramedic that taught our class, only doing chest compressions can keep an adult alive for 5-7 minutes because we hold enough oxygen in our blood to supply our brain that long. As an alternative to mouth-to-mouth, anyone can purchase a pocket mask like this
It has a one way valve so it's safer than mouth-to-mouth. I plan on getting one soon to carry in my purse so I can use my training to help save someone if I'm ever somewhere where there is a need!

Another interesting tidbit, if you are performing CPR correctly, you will almost always break the person's ribs. It's actually like an unwritten goal, since after the ribs are broken it becomes easier to do the compressions correctly (as in deep/hard enough). That's a scary thought, not looking forward to my first time doing that. :/

I took my CPR course at Brookhaven where I'll be attending nursing school, and apparently they also train paramedics there too. Walking down the hallway to find my classroom, I found this!
It's a life sized ambulance built into the wall for simulations! Haha I thought that was so cool, and definitely did a double-take when I first walked past it.

Last Saturday M and I went to Saltgrass for dinner (yum), and then to Main Event with some friends to go bowling and play laser tag. I must say I thought I was a much better bowler than I seem to be lately. I didn't break 100 either time. Though I bowled a lot of spares, I also bowled quite a few gutters! It was fun though. Laser tag was SO fun, it is probably my new favorite thing to do! And for $7 each, I told M we need to go play laser tag more often :)

(Terrible iPhone flash photo, but M has a real smile for once!)

On Monday M and I got a few new additions to our little family :)
M started a saltwater aquarium about a month or so ago and it was finally ready for fish this week!  Aren't they so cute? They are REALLY tiny, only like the size of my fingertip, because they are still babies. Their names are both Rupert haha. We can't really tell them apart and didn't really want to name everything in the tank individually in case it doesn't make it that makes it even sadder (we have already lost one snail :( ), so they both have the same name. M picked it haha. We also have one remaining snail (you can see him in the second picture on the rock), and perhaps two hermit crabs except one has gone missing, and a shrimp. All those are necessary for cleaning the tank, not particularly cute.

I promise more posts coming soon!

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