Monday, May 23, 2011

So it seems to have just dawned on me that M and I are going on two vacations in the next 4.5 weeks and I still have SO much to do! The weekend after we get back from our four day trip to Orlando we are going to Lake Texarkana with a big group of friends for a friend's birthday. I am super excited for both trips (and especially to see all my family in Florida!), but I didn't realize those weekends were coming up so quickly!

To Do List:
book rental car for Orlando trip
buy a dress for the wedding
buy shoes and jewelry for the wedding
return the dress I've already purchased but no longer like
find M something to wear to the wedding
find my daddy a father's day present? (I have NO idea what to get him!)
book cabin on Lake Texarkana (took care of that today!)
new bathing suit for the lake weekend
get my hair cut
find/purchase cute outfits for all the other days of the trips haha
plenty more things I'm sure I'm forgetting! ahh

So I did purchase a dress for the wedding but now I have found one I love so much more and kinda hate the first in comparison haha

This was my first dress from Express. I have this dress in black and I think I may have posted about wanting a different floral pattern one, but this is the only one they had in my size and I liked it ok.

Then I saw this dress at Gap and fell in love

It fits much cuter and I like that it is more plain. I wasn't sure that strapless dresses were appropriate for weddings but my sister assures me it's fine (which is good because I would have been heartbroken otherwise!). The wedding is supposively pretty formal (from what my grandma tells me, but she could be exaggerating), so I think it will work well! Shopping for things to wear to weddings is always such a challenge for me. M and I have another wedding to go to at the end of July (in town thankfully), and I might just wear it again because I love it so much! And there won't be any of the same people there haha, I'll just have to avoid posting Florida pictures on facebook until after the second wedding lol.
(and why is this model's right kneecap misplaced??)

I'm imagining M wearing something like this
but he doesn't want to wear a white shirt so we'll see if I can convince him. I don't know any other colors that will match my dress, and I love white shirts with black suits, I don't see what he has against them!


As for the weekend recap, nothing too exciting! Friday M and I ate at Olive Garden for dinner with his parents, which pretty much made my week because I'm obsessed with Olive Garden and M never wants to go there (he said he was just going to stay home and let us go without him Friday haha). Afterwards we went to the fish store (just to look, no new purchases) and then just hung out the rest of the evening.

Saturday I went to the gym in the morning. I'm trying to start doing weights twice a week so I'd finished my cardio and was moving around the weight circuit when a trainer came up to me and told me to come participate in a free group session! It was a cool little circuit they had set up using kettlebells, ropes, medicine balls, bosu balls, and all kinds of other things with one at each station and you stayed at each for 30 seconds. It was SO hard though and I hadn't eaten breakfast that morning and had already been at the gym an hour so I started feeling faint and queasy and had to quit after just a few stations because I thought I was going to throw up! Ahhh that was embarrassing but now I know I should eat before going to the gym haha.

After that I babysat for EIGHT hours. I pretty much work six days a week these days and it is wearing on me quickly! In the past two months I think I've had two Saturdays off, and one of them was only because someone I was supposed to be babysitting cancelled last minute. I need to be somewhat available to C's family on the weekends because it is part of my job, but I don't know why they think I should only have one Saturday off a month?! I was already asked to sit next Saturday too, but luckily I talked them into Friday instead. My job isn't hard but after 45 hours with C a week, I want both of my days off to myself, especially the few hours of the weekend when M and I have a chance to spend time together or go out with friends since he works during the day both Saturday and Sunday. I'm trying to say "no" more lately and not feel bad about it, but usually it's just followed with "Well how about Sunday? Or the following Saturday?" Aghhhh. (End of rant, for now...)

Yesterday I went to church with M's family and then what was supposed to be an oil change turned into needing two new tires. Between getting my AC fixed a couple of months ago, spending $300 on new brakes two weeks ago, and now needing new tires yesterday, I am about wishing I lived close enough to ride a bike to work!

Tonight M and I are seeing the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie with some friends! I don't ever remember what happened in the first three movies (or if I've even seen the second?) but it will still be fun! And I'm excited for a big movie theatre coke and some junior mints and/or raisinettes :)

Off to work on checking things off my to do list while C naps!

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