Friday, July 1, 2011

friday randoms

Yay it's Friday! This post shall be super random and segue-less, as a warning. (I had to look up the proper spelling of segue, I don't think I've ever seen that word written. Not spelled like the two-wheeled things mall cops ride around on apparently haha.)

Blogger is not my friend right now. I know that changing my template before has not deleted all the blogs from the "blogs I read" widget so why are they gone this time?! I guess this is a lesson to actually press follow instead of just adding them to that list...

Also I am not happy with my plain layout like I thought I would be, unfortunately. Operation convince M to reteach me how to use Dreamweaver commences this weekend :)
A few things on Pinterest I am loving this week...

I made all these collages on and it took like 10 minutes total! (I might be the last person realizing how awesome and easy picnik is.)

I am finally recieving a lot of correspondence from the nursing program with everything I need to get ready before school starts in August! Unfortunately they aren't telling us what books we need until we go to orientation the week before school starts! Everyone is annoyed because we all want to order our books online and try to get the best prices, since it's like over $1000 in books.
I also got some bad news regarding scrubs this week. Unfortunately they aren't going to let me wear the super cute ones I bought in May because they are considered "fashion" scrubs and we are only allowed to wear the plainest, most awkward fitting kind. Since I bought them so long ago, I can't return them either :(
This morning I had to go get some vaccinations for school and now my arm is swelled up like half a baseball size... Nursing school preparations are wearing on me this week haha. But I am still so happy and excited to be in a program, so that makes it not so bad!

I 'm so excited for the three day weekend! And I'm not even babysitting at all this weekend (not including tonight lol). And we aren't going out of town! I'm so happy to get to relax for three whole days :)

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