Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Back to work tomorrow! :( Oh how I loved my week off. Besides getting engaged (!!), M and I spent the week relaxing, staying up way too late, sleeping in, and being completely lazy, it was perfect! We also watched 2.5 seasons of Gossip Girl. We're obsessed! I also did a pretty impressive job of staying on my diet (minus one slip up that I'm regretting tonight with a tummy ache). Nothing like a deadline (engagement pictures! showers! wedding!) to get you motivated! I'm down 6 pounds since last week! Tomorrow I have to watch C then it's three nights in a row at the hospital. I had probably the worst night of work ever the last time I was there, so needless to say I'm not looking forward to going back. I just need to pray and have faith that everything I'm putting up with this year will be worth it in the end! Despite my best efforts, this post refuses to have paragraphs! Sorry for the long boring blob of text.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Here are some pictures that are inspiring me while planning our wedding!

(Links to the sources of all of these can be found on my pinterest: )

Sunday, July 22, 2012

So since my last post... M and I got engaged!! I can still hardly believe it!

His birthday was the 19th and he said he wanted to go to the aquarium to look at penguins (which are our favorite things in the whole world). While hanging out with the sweet little penguins he kneeled down beside me and asked me to marry him! It was perfect and sweet and romantic and he thought of it all by himself. Afterwards I had a permanent smile on my face, which still hasn't gone away three days later! Definitely the happiest girl in the world right now :)
I had an idea in my head it might happen that day but I was telling myself to stop thinking that so I wouldn't be disappointed haha. Unfortunately no pictures to share yet because they are all on someone else's camera.

M had Friday and Saturday off as well and I loved spending every minute with him for three whole days! Today he is back at work, sadly.

So now wedding planning has kicked into high gear and honestly it has been nothing but stressful to think about! I would really love for us to get married next summer but considering we'll both only have been working a few months at that point, and a lot of deposits will need to be made soon, it really depends on how much our families want to contribute. Even though it is really far away, I am really close to just saying let's do it spring of 2014 so I can stop stressing!
I'm sure it'll all work itself out regardless of when we choose, but it seems like the second we got engaged the clock started ticking to have a wedding planned and payed for by next summer, and suddenly a year seems like such a short amount of time!

Despite how stressful it has been thinking about it only being possibly a year away, I am really excited to plan the wedding, and thankful for pinterest to help! Can't wait to share more posts on wedding planning ideas and progress!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Goodness I am a terrible blogger! I'm so disappointed in myself and all that has happened in the past months that I failed to document. Must. be. better.

Basically since February (it's been that long??) I have just been working, learning to be a nurse, and trying to survive until December (graduation!).

I am so blessed to have my job and I do realize this everyday. I am thankful beyond measure that I work in the ICU and I get to learn so much and see such intense stuff that I am really interested in. I don't envy my friends' tech jobs at all that consist of only bathing patients, helping them to the bathroom, and taking vitals.
That said, I HATE working full time nights and trying to go to nursing school full time. It is easily the hardest thing I've ever done and I seriously wonder at the beginning of every week if I'll be able to survive yet another week of this. I feel like all my posts on twitter or Facebook are complaining so I try not to post much at all. Most days I'm going between 24-40 hours without sleep, thanks to going straight from working all night to school or to watch C or to clinical, and then sometimes back to work. Ugh, it's just horrible.
One day in the future I can come back to this and see how hard I worked and know it was worth it, and that's what keeps me going. That and remembering that my momma paid her own way through medical school with a 5 year old by working every hour she wasn't in school and taking me to class and clinic with her. I learned from the most dedicated woman there ever was so I know I can do it!

I am happy to say that I am one test and one clinical away from being in my very last semester! That means only 12 more days at the hospital, 32 more days of class, and one licensing exam and I'll be an RN! It can't come soon enough.

In other news, I keep myself sane by planning our future wedding (thinking I'll be getting a ring any day now ;)) and decorating our future home on Pinterest (there's no time for decorating the home we actually live in!), and reading some books on kindle in my very limited spare time. And also spending every possible moment with M I can get, which is sometimes only once every three days. I feel like the song Time is Love by Josh Turner is the story of my life right now! Any second that I'm not at work or school or watching C or absolutely needing sleep, I'm rushing home to spend as much time with M as possible! I sure do miss him lately.

We also got a new puppy! I wasn't convinced that it was the best time for a new puppy, but M wasn't taking no for an answer, haha. She's a German Shepard named Reese and she's clumsy and funny and cute, most of the time. It's so weird having a big dog! I've had small or medium sized dogs for the past 18 years and she isn't even close to big yet but she seems SO BIG to me!

We are moving into a new apartment in two months since our lease is up where we live now and I can't wait! We had all but decided to stay with M's parents for three or four months until we'd graduated and gotten jobs but it was just going to be hard with the pups. And then we were blessed with the perfect place falling right into our laps for the best price and we are so happy and can't wait to move. I'm pretty darn excited to decorate it, and actually follow through this time since I will have some free time in my life in the near future.

Here's hoping my next post comes before five more months have passed!

Monday, February 6, 2012


Days 14-36!
(They are still pretty boring! Hoping for some more exciting ones this week!)

Saturday, February 4, 2012

life lately

As a warning, this post will be long (I have too much to catch up on!) and pictureless, since I'm on my phone.

I am about to finish my second week at my new job! I really love it so far but I'm nervous that tomorrow is my last shift with a preceptor and then I'll be on my own (and the only tech on the unit!).
I am so happy that I found a position in the ICU, I think I would be terribly bored anywhere except a critical care setting. (And I also get to do more than most techs!)
It has been really, really hard working and going to school, especially the classes I am in right now being so fast and intensive. Luckily, this week I went to what will be my normal, three night per week schedule and it's been much more manageable than trying to work days and go to school most days also!

School has been absolutely crazy but I am almost finished with my mental health course! We cover a whole semester's worth of material in four and a half weeks and it's just been insane trying to keep up and train at work, but the end is in sight!
After mental health we start medical/surgical for 11 weeks and then it will be summer! I don't get a break until July 20th because we have school during the summer as well, but that just means I'm that much closer to graduation!

I have been trying to keep up with taking a picture each day for project366 but some days my life is rather boring haha. If I had a baby it would be much easier! Instead I just end up with a lot of pictures of food. I'll post and get caught up on those soon!

I started really trying to watch my calories and get to the gym this week and I'm happy to have already lost an inch off my waist! (I don't have a scale so this is my only method of measuring.) I really hope to stick with it and finally be able to get to my goal weight in the next couple months! I think I am about 15-20 pounds away (having already lost 45 last winter and then gaining back about 10).

I'm almost failing at my attempt to blog more but I'm going to keep trying as my life slows down a little in the next couple weeks!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

This past week has been so crazy! I am glad to have it behind me.

Monday and Tuesday I had hospital orientation for my new job. Basically we learned about the company, the hospital, and hospital-wide policies and such. I have to say that so far I LOVE the company I work for. Everyone is so nice and helpful and it really feels like even though it's a huge place with a lot of employees, everyone is there to help one another.
They also have so many great benefits for employees! I've never had a job with benefits before and I am so shocked at how little I pay for amazing health, vision, and dental insurance, and how many other great things there are that I never thought about, like paid time off! I was just in awe when the benefits package was explained to us, haha!

Wednesday was supposed to be my first day of lecture but I had to miss because I HAD to be at orientation at the hospital to learn their computer charting system. After taking the computer charting class, it hardly seemed necessary to make me skip school for it, as it was mostly me working through modules I can do at home, but oh well.
I also got to go up to the ICU Wednesday for a few minutes. I sat at the nurses' station waiting for my manager to come back from a meeting and was definitely intimidated by everything going on on the unit. I just can't wait until I am trained and know what I'm doing, the period in between now and then is scary!
I scheduled with my manager to come back for my first 12 hour shift on Monday!

Thursday I had more PCT training at the hospital and learned how to take blood sugars, and then I went to lab at school and learned how to draw up medication with needles and give shots! That was pretty exciting :)

Yesterday after lecture was my first psychiatric clinical, meaning it's at a "mental hospital". I was so very excited about this clinical, but the reality of it was something I wasn't really expecting. I was just hit so hard with how sad I felt for those that are mentally ill and how blessed I am to be mentally healthy.
I don't understand why some of us go about life normally with our brains working fine and others, who are living perfectly normal lives as well, suddenly are hit with a psychotic break and can no longer function because of things going on inside their brains that are tormenting them. I hate it so much for each and every person going through it.
Last night after I got home I just couldn't stop thinking about the people I'd met. M and I went to Ihop for dinner (because it was 11pm) and all I could think about was how I get to be out here eating Ihop and going home to my nice apartment and get to go about my blessed life while they are still there at that place dealing with such terrible things.
I am happy for the opportunity to speak to and interact with and play games and do puzzles with the patients though, because I think they really liked having us there and having someone to talk to, but I definitely am seeing the world differently after being there.

Today I have to attend a 12 step program meeting (such as AA, or narcotics anonymous, or one of the many others). It should also be interesting and eye opening.
Other than that I am going to try to enjoy the weekend because next week will be even crazier and busier than this one. One day at a time!

Saturday, January 14, 2012


Days 1-13!

Baking cookies

Outfit of the day (excuse my silly looking face). M and I celebrated our anniversary this day (since we both had to work on the 4th) by going to Cheesecake Factory for lunch (yummy), going to look at engagement rings (!!), and having dinner with friends at BJ's.

I got gel nails. They were cute, but they started peeling really quickly so next time I'll probably just go for the regular manicure if it's going to last just as long for half the price.

Note left for M on his wallet on our real anniversary.

Battle scars from blood work and a TB test for my new job.

Whole day off spent trying to catch up on laundry.

Hog fans everywhere in Dallas for the cotton bowl!

Shopping for curtains.

FaceTiming with M haha. FaceTime isn't very flattering.

Shopping for "business" clothes.

Sick C relaxing on the couch.

Almost finished with my book. I'll do a review after I read the ending!

Since I only just decided I wanted to start project366, some of these may not have been the actual day I took them (oops!). I'll try to do better at getting more interesting pictures from now on haha.

Friday, January 13, 2012


Today is my last day of being employed as a nanny. Next week I'll begin orientation and training for my ICU tech job.

I still plan on helping C's family out whenever I can with odd days here and there, night and weekend babysitting, and keeping him when they go out of town, but I'm still sad. C has been such a big part of my life for almost two years now.
I've watched him grow from a tiny baby that cried every second of every day for a whole month, to a smart little boy who says thousands of words and is obsessed with his die-cast cars.

I am so thankful for the opportunity to work as C's nanny the past couple of years. It was the perfect job for me and my life at that point.

I'm also so excited for all the new things to come. My new job terrifies me, but I know it won't be long before I know what I'm doing and I'll gain invaluable experience watching the ICU nurses work.

God is in control of my life and I am so grateful of all the blessings he's bestowed upon me! I am grateful for the wonderful, fun, easy, well paying job I had being a nanny for C, and I'm grateful for the changes happening in my life this year.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Midweek Randoms

M and I are terrible about eating out. Like we eat out every single meal of every day, terrible. So we both know we need to eat at home more and I've been trying to make an effort this week...

To make it more exciting, I was totally planning on making one recipe from pinterest each day this week and blogging about it but when I got home from work yesterday M had already eaten leftovers for dinner! Since I was on my own for dinner then and really wanted mexican, we just went to On the Border (my favorite! but M hates it) and he watched me eat haha. (See what I mean about eating out?)

But I did make this stuffed shells recipe found on pinterest on Monday and I think it was a hit (you know, since I came home Tuesday and M had already eaten the leftovers for dinner without me!).

Tonight I really wanted BBQ. I made some pulled pork in the crockpot about a month ago and didn't love it (I think because I didn't exactly follow the instructions on the crockpot settings and mine was pretty tough). So instead I went and bought some meat from Rudy's and I'm going to make some garlic Texas toast for sandwiches and french fries at home. Toasting bread and putting fries in the oven is my kind of cooking!

Today the new nursing students who are starting their first semester next week had orientation! As part of orientation (the best part, really), they invite current students to come back and speak to them and answer their questions so that's what I spent my afternoon doing!
I can't believe it was so many months ago that I went home from orientation terrified and wondering what I'd gotten myself into. I was excited to go talk to all the new students so I could let them know it wasn't as bad as it seems at first! I'm pretty sure I made an impression on some people and eased a lot of nerves so I was so happy I volunteered :)

After that I headed to work and waited for C's mom to bring him home from mother's day out, only to get a text saying he had what looked like pink eye when she picked him up so they were headed to the doctor instead! Though I feel bad for poor C, I wasn't disappointed to unexpectedly get the afternoon off!

I watch all the 16& Pregnant and Teen Mom shows on MTV and follow a few of the people from the shows on Twitter. One of the teen dad's new girlfriend's is going to school to be a personal trainer and started this workout blog. I did the legs/butt and abs workout this afternoon and they were HARD! I am surely going to feel sore tomorrow.
I'm trying to get back to working out so I made myself a little schedule of alternating her workouts and doing cardio at the gym (I get a free gym membership with my new job!).

I found this cute print on pinterest and made it my lock screen on my phone so I have a nice little reminder throughout the day :)

Monday, January 9, 2012

Exciting news...

Next Monday I will be starting my new job as a patient care tech in the ICU!!

I am so happy and blessed that after a lot of potential setbacks everything worked out perfectly!

I interviewed for the position a month ago (!!) but had to wait two and half weeks for my nurse manager to complete the required number of interviews for the position and then after getting it I was told my offer would be resended if I couldn't miss school to make it to orientation!
Thankfully everything is finally worked out and I couldn't be more excited (and also terrified)!

Basically I will be spending three nights a week helping out the ICU nurses and learning tons! And when I finish nursing school in December, I should be able to easily find a graduate nurse position within our hospital network.

I'm so thankful to God for this blessing and so excited for all wonderful things happening in my life in 2012!

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever. Psalm 107:1

weekend recap

This weekend wasn't all that exciting!
Friday I shopped for scrubs and did some organizing around the house. Our laundry/utility room shelves before and after:

Phew it feels so much better being organized! We moved in the middle of the semester so I was worrying about school more than doing a good job unpacking. Next organization project... Under the bathroom sink.
M and I had Chipotle for dinner when he got off work and spent the night watching Trauma: Life in the ER (my all time favorite show!)

Saturday we had BBQ for lunch at Hard Eight and then I went looking for curtains for our living room. I bought some a few weeks back but I didn't think about the fact that with 9' ceilings, 84" curtains don't even come close to the floor. No luck (looks like I'll have to order some online), but I did see these "wine" colored curtains and get some inspiration for our bedroom!

After shopping I had to babysit a little boy from the daycare I used to work at for the evening.

Sunday, after getting the ok from M to go with purple, I went and bought new curtains and hardware for our bedroom. Then I got home and realized the rods I'd gotten were not going to work with the look I wanted. Finally (after about 18 holes in the wall and two trips to the store!) the curtains are up! I love them, I feel like they draw your eye up and show off our tall ceilings. Here's a sneak peek: (they look way dark in this picture due to less than ideal lighting)

Our room still needs a few things to be finished, and I have a little pinterest project in the making! I'll probably do a whole post on my plans for the bedroom :)

Today I'm back to waiting for an important phone call! I'm praying it will be good news and I will be able to stop stressing (and share my big news!).

I also can't wait until naptime to watch last night's Once Upon a Time! Love that show!

Have a good week :)

ps. Sorry the pictures are small/blurry, blogged from my phone!