Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Midweek Randoms

M and I are terrible about eating out. Like we eat out every single meal of every day, terrible. So we both know we need to eat at home more and I've been trying to make an effort this week...

To make it more exciting, I was totally planning on making one recipe from pinterest each day this week and blogging about it but when I got home from work yesterday M had already eaten leftovers for dinner! Since I was on my own for dinner then and really wanted mexican, we just went to On the Border (my favorite! but M hates it) and he watched me eat haha. (See what I mean about eating out?)

But I did make this stuffed shells recipe found on pinterest on Monday and I think it was a hit (you know, since I came home Tuesday and M had already eaten the leftovers for dinner without me!).

Tonight I really wanted BBQ. I made some pulled pork in the crockpot about a month ago and didn't love it (I think because I didn't exactly follow the instructions on the crockpot settings and mine was pretty tough). So instead I went and bought some meat from Rudy's and I'm going to make some garlic Texas toast for sandwiches and french fries at home. Toasting bread and putting fries in the oven is my kind of cooking!

Today the new nursing students who are starting their first semester next week had orientation! As part of orientation (the best part, really), they invite current students to come back and speak to them and answer their questions so that's what I spent my afternoon doing!
I can't believe it was so many months ago that I went home from orientation terrified and wondering what I'd gotten myself into. I was excited to go talk to all the new students so I could let them know it wasn't as bad as it seems at first! I'm pretty sure I made an impression on some people and eased a lot of nerves so I was so happy I volunteered :)

After that I headed to work and waited for C's mom to bring him home from mother's day out, only to get a text saying he had what looked like pink eye when she picked him up so they were headed to the doctor instead! Though I feel bad for poor C, I wasn't disappointed to unexpectedly get the afternoon off!

I watch all the 16& Pregnant and Teen Mom shows on MTV and follow a few of the people from the shows on Twitter. One of the teen dad's new girlfriend's is going to school to be a personal trainer and started this workout blog. I did the legs/butt and abs workout this afternoon and they were HARD! I am surely going to feel sore tomorrow.
I'm trying to get back to working out so I made myself a little schedule of alternating her workouts and doing cardio at the gym (I get a free gym membership with my new job!).

I found this cute print on pinterest and made it my lock screen on my phone so I have a nice little reminder throughout the day :)

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