Friday, January 6, 2012

I made a new blog header today! All by myself! It feels like whenever I get back into blogging again after a break, a change is just in order. I know it isn't perfect but it's my first photoshop creation ever so I'm happy enough with it for now.

In addition to changing my header, I also updated my about me because C is now TWO years old (as of Saturday) and this week M and I celebrated our SIXTH anniversary! Crazy.

This week has been terribly stressful. I have some new and exciting changes potentially taking place in my life but this week has only consisted in a lot of bumps in the road! Everyday this week has been spent anxiously waiting for an email or phone call while I try to smooth this all out and make it work! All I can do is pray at this point!

Today I am off work so I spent the first half of the day running a few errands and trying to check things off my to do list. So far since I've been home I haven't done any of things around the apartment that I need to do though and I can't believe the day is almost gone. Yikes.

So excited to watch the hogs in the cotton bowl tonight! I'm so sad we aren't going to be at the game (when it's taking place like 10 minutes from our apartment!) but I do love seeing all the razorback flair on people's cars driving around Dallas!